Jenna Rantakallio is a Finnish author, blogger, life coach, and visionary.

She grew up as a countryside girl, living in her dreams like Alice in Wonderland. After building 15 years of her career as a Lawyer in the financing world, she experienced the cryptocurrency scam. Losing the assets was a beginning of an intimidating growth journey that pushed her to leave her 9-5 work and start pursuing her passions in writing and art. In this process was born TheJennaBlog, and the book: 'The Scammer's Trap.'

With her creative mind and writing, she wants to bring her voice to the world, helping other people to find their purpose and dream life.

Jenna is publishing a new blog every Monday and Friday.

Founder of thejennablog, Author of ‘The Scammer’s Trap’

For more information, visit

Website: Instagram: thejennablog



Once-a-week Self-development Shorties for Success and Dream life. Entrepreneur, Author, Visionary, Runaway Lawyer