How I’ve Tricked Myself to Like Unpleasant Things

3 min readSep 12, 2022


‘Oh CRAP’. You’re thinking half loud. The leftover food was eaten yesterday, and there are open, hungry mouths waiting for you at home. You shut down your computer, jump into your car, and make a cross before entering the crowded hypermarket. Everyone seems to get in your way. Your heartbeat raises fast, and you feel your anxiety increase. You want to get out there as quickly as possible.

Grocery Store

When you learn to be grateful, you can learn to like everything in your life — even the difficult moments. One year ago, I needed to fix my attitude toward going to the grocery store. I train a lot, so I eat and constantly run out of food.

Because I felt reluctance every day, I needed to go to the store; I decided to form it a habit during my daily walks. I made everything simple. I planned my meals in two weeks periods eating the same things during these weeks but different food in each meal.

When I went to the grocery store, I taught myself to be like a child in a candy shop, looking at all food I had the opportunity to buy. Instead of going in a hurry, I slowed down my pace. I can buy organic food, so I saw myself as a spoiled person. I turned it to appreciation and ate with my eyes all the healthy options the store had.


Gratitude helps here too. Looking at a couple of homeless people I see during my daily walks, I have a place to stay and call my home. It’s not a cliche that a day begins with making your bed. I’m perhaps the messiest organized person, meaning I tend to leave stuff all over the place, but I always clean.

I’ve taught myself to gather things right after I mess up, like after cooking, painting, or just exploding my apartment. Becoming a minimalist and giving away most of my furniture and stuff has also made my life simpler.

Sit on the couch. Look at your apartment. Let the energy of appreciation flow through you. It’s your safe haven; feel the warmth and be blessed by where you are. Feel the desire to take care of what you have around you, and make peace with things you need to do.


Although exercise has always been part of my life, I sometimes felt forced to do it earlier. Then, I found dancing. It gave me the discipline to have daily movement, which increased my activity to do other training and walking.

Now I have a rule that you must always have movement after or before a meal. This increases your metabolism and enhances the digestion of food. It’s also a source of continuous energy for your entire day.

Visualization and becoming conscious of your daily habits are crucial to form new, better ones with a solid attitude. There are things that you need to do, and there are also things that you can outsource when you want to maximize your efficiency with productive work.

There are always ways to improve your life and find your method, how you can enjoy things that earlier have felt unpleasant or difficult. You can start your change today.

With Love,

Founder of Thejennablog, Author of ‘The Scammer’s Trap’

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Written by Thejennablog

Once-a-week Self-development Shorties for Success and Dream life. Entrepreneur, Author, Visionary, Runaway Lawyer

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