The 3 Effective Ways How to Not Give a F❤ck
Words are flying in the air. Hurtful words cut the air like a sharp knife slices a cake. As an outsider, you could hear those two different wills battling against each other. Egos that want to win. Both wanted to be heard, understood, and respected. In this battle of different voices, the meaning behind what’s said disappears as echoes on the wall. If only one of those persons had the strength to listen, the argument would disappear.
Learn to Become Immune from Outside Impact
There are different reasons why people try to hurt you and prevent you from going where you want to go. Hurt people want to hurt others. Bitter ones wish to spread bitterness and ensure you don’t get what they never had. Envy people try to keep you away from your goals because they feel disappointed in their achievements.
Why would you allow anyone to steal sunshine from your days? Whether it is a stranger having a bad day, or a person close to you, you have the skill to determine how you react. You must consciously practice this and be prepared for daily encounters right from the morning.
You need to start your mornings in your own company, strengthening positive energy and gratitude before facing anyone else. When you walk outside your quiet place, you meet your family. When you walk out the door, you are faced with society. I don’t care if it’s only five minutes in peace before starting the hassle; if you get yourself together first, you can build a Teflon shield around you.
Walk Away From Battles You were not Meant to Have
You don’t need to win every situation, and you don’t need to take drama. You make a choice on how to handle any situation. There are two battles; the ones to have and the ones to walk away. It doesn’t mean you’re weak if you give up on a fight or leave the situation. On the contrary, freeing your mind from toxic conversations enables all those fresh and energetic ideas inside you to flourish.
For a long time, I always needed to be correct and wanted to be heard. When I finally realized that it didn’t matter, I felt peaceful. I don’t need to change people, who don’t want to change, and I don’t need anyone to understand my opinions against their will. If my intentions are good, sound energy will follow me.
Say fewer words, but speak words that have more meaning. When you get over yourself and understand that you don’t yet know anything but want to learn everything to grow and evolve, your life shifts. You can develop yourself towards becoming the butterfly that you were meant to be and fly with your own wings until the last day.
Internalize That No One That Does More Than You Criticize You
People that have made their personal success often have pleasant personalities and strong habits that have taken them where they are. These people are willing to help and advise others who want to develop themselves and succeed in their lives.
Transform into thinking that no person who is more successful than you tries to criticize the positive impact you’re trying to bring into this world. Instead, those who matter will understand and support your goals whenever you have a good heart and healthy ambition. For this reason, any conflict on your way is highly likely caused by someone that doesn’t have the same values as you.
If you’re already on your way to understanding the human mind and behavior, you know what is right. If you have treated others with respect, you can silence the surroundings from noise and walk away towards building yourself the life that you want to live.
With love,
Founder of Thejennablog, Author of ‘The Scammer’s Trap’
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