The Strangest Secret (with Earl Nightingale)

3 min readAug 22, 2022


Visualize 100 individuals in front of you. All of them were at age 25. When you ask them if they want to become successful, all of their eyes are enlighted, full of opportunities. However, when you compare this same group of people at age 63, only 1 is filthy rich, 4 financially free, and 55 are broke. What happened?

Why do so Many People Fail in Their Life?

An American radio speaker and author Earl Nightingale has already passed away, but the statistics for comparing 100 persons applies today. The rule of 5% vs. 95% seems to last through generations. According to Earl Nightingale, researchers have disagreed on plenty of things, but one thing they all agree with; is ‘We Become What we Think’.

Earl Nightingale defines success as ‘a progressive realization of a worthy ideal’. When a person works toward a predeterminate goal and does it well, they can be considered successful. This means that a person who wants to be a mother, teacher, or businessman can all be considered equally successful if that was their goal and they do it well.

Why do so many work hard and are not successful, but others seem to have that special magic touch? The difference between these people is goal setting. You end up randomly somewhere if you haven’t decided on your destination. If you want to succeed, you need a specific goal, and your brains start advising you where to start.

People Value Wrong Things

We often give real value only to material things that eventually are cheap and replaceable. However, we undervalue free items, such as our minds and tools, that come within.

Your brains are like the most sophisticated computer with endless ability to modify and transform themselves to anything where you guide it. As a result, whatever you have learned can not be taken away from you. Therefore, skills are durable, and materials can be wiped out at anytime.

A person requires an incentive to change their life. Change often comes after experiencing difficult times and finding that path when you need to get on top of your situation. However, when you start concentrating on self-development, it becomes addictive, and you just don’t want to stop your progress.

We Become What We Think about

The key to success and failure is; that we become what we think about. Whatever your mind decides to have, and this desire grows to replace all other minor wishes, you can achieve what you want. However, you cannot concentrate on everything or you get nowhere.

There are no circumstances besides excuses in our minds. So you can either stay whining about what cards life shared with you, or you can make your own world and start reaching for what you want.

The human mind is like the land. Whatever you plant, it will grow. You can use it either to seed positive or negative thoughts. Both of them take equal energy but have entirely different results. Concentrating on fear and failure makes you unsuccessful, and focusing on opportunities and positivity gives you that magic touch. Which one do you choose?


Founder of Thejennablog, Author of ‘The Scammer’s Trap’

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Written by Thejennablog

Once-a-week Self-development Shorties for Success and Dream life. Entrepreneur, Author, Visionary, Runaway Lawyer

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