Why Anything Worth Doing is Worth Giving it Your 100%?
It’s Saturday morning, and you’re looking at your messy apartment. Cleaning after a long work week doesn’t feel like the best way to spend your day. So you decide to be really quick, and after a while, you stick up all your clothes in the closet, pretending there will be another time to put them in order. You hoover the middle of the apartment, telling yourself you will do it properly next time. You finally notice that one shirt has fallen behind the sofa. When you open the closet to hide it, its entire content blows up on you.
You Cannot Cheat Yourself
Have you ever tried to clean the house with the attitude that you will do it better next time? Though you try to fool yourself, you know there is a messy spot in your home.
The same applies to every area in your life: financials, relationships, and healthy habits. You give yourself permission for underperformance whenever you go where the fence is lowest. If a task is not worth giving 100%, it’s not worth doing.
Doing things poorly or hurriedly can only lead to lousy results. That’s why you want to eliminate unnecessary tasks from your life. The ones you need to do, even inconvenient ones, finish them with pride.
Everyone Else Will Notice
Other people will see how you do things, whether it comes to your profession, making business, or relationships. For example, arriving late, failing a promise, or returning an unfinished assignment might not feel like a big deal. However, it’s the opposite; it indicates to others what kind of a person you are.
This is why you need to give your full potential to even the most trivial task you need to do. You can only make the first impression once, so make it the best. Going to a work interview or meeting your new date’s parents with a shabby appearance only works against you.
You want to show the best version of yourself anytime and everywhere you go. But, even at home, you or your spouse know that those shabby home clothes have seen their best years. We all know where that eventually leads, so do both of you a favor and get new ones.
Discipline is the Key to High Performance
Been there and tried that. I have sometimes wanted to give myself exceptions to my daily discipline. However, whenever I give too many, issues emerge, and I temporarily crash everything.
If you make an exception for eating unhealthy food twice a row, it may turn to watching a movie instead of training. Eventually, neglecting your routines too many times can lead to feeling bad. Feeling bad may lead to anxiety and insufficient sleep. Oversleeping crashes your morning routines, and signs of an emerging catastrophe are on the air.
Be careful with your choices. Everything affects anything in your life, and poor decisions can have tremendous consequences. Always give your best 100% regardless of where you go and what you do.
With Love,
Founder of Thejennablog, Author of ‘The Scammer’s Trap’
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